Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

Most important things in my daily life

3 Important most important things in my dialy life

1. Internet Connection
Without internet i cant access my social network account, cant play online games, cant do this task, dont get the latest information around the world, and of course my cell phone is not much different with first generation cell phone.

2. Headset
I like listening to music, thanks to today's mobile phone because now i no longer need to bring my walkman. Just make sure i carry my headset and i can listening to music anywhere and anytime.

3. Money
The most important thing for everyone in the whole world and spend most of their time to earn it and less to spend it.

Senin, 30 April 2012

Why do i work ?

1. I work for make some money
2. I work for living
3. I work for my better life
4. I work because my parents isn't rich
5. I work to kill some time

Agree in future

I agreed because Generation Y assumes adults at work are on their side. They were raised by parents who often acted more like friends and mentors. So Gen Y comes to the negotiating table with unprecedented confidence about what kind of workplace they want.

Gen Y is different than previous generation workers in the following ways:

1. Gen Y uses modern tools and technologies, including software that’s easily accessible and free from the Internet;
2. Gen Y easily maintains their to-do lists, and priorities by synching with the PDAs and iPODs;
3. Gen Y are not workaholics, and understand the relationship between a balanced life and productivity;
4. Gen Y are more likely to love their jobs, because they change jobs more frequently, and stay in jobs that match their passions and talents;
5. Gen Y has a continuing thirst for learning and personal growth;
6. Gen Y wants to have new experiences, try new things, and be creative;
7. Gen Y doesn’t stay in jobs they don’t like just to be comfortable and secure.

Distinguish Factor X and Y

Ten differences between Generation X and Generation Y employees

Recruitment is an ever changing landscape, and with demographics continually changing it makes for some interesting recruiting strategies going forward. The early Baby Boomers (defined as being born between 1946 to 1964, and aged between 43-61) are now starting to retire, and as recruiters we are now having to put more of a focus on Generation X-ers (defined as being born between 1965 to 1979, and aged between 28-42) and Generation Y-ers (defined as being born between 1980 and 1984, and aged between 13-27).

But to recruit and retain people from these two generations, then we surely need to understand what makes them tick in a working environment. Krista Third of Tamm Communications has noted ten different workplace differences between the X and Y generations that we should all take note of:

1. Preferred style of leadership
• X - only competent leaders will do
• Y – collaboration with management is expected

2. Value of Experience
• X – don’t tell me where you have been, show me what you know
• Y – experience is irrelevant, as the world is changing so fast

3. Autonomy
• X – give them direction, and then leave them to it
• Y – questions, questions, questions

4. Feedback
• X - expect regular feedback
• Y - need constant and immediate feedback

5. Rewards
• X – freedom is the ultimate reward
• Y – money talks

6. Training
• X – want to continually learn, if they don’t they will leave
• Y – still in an exam driven mentality

7. Work Hours
• X – do their work and go home
• Y – will work as long as needed …or until they get bored

8. Work Life Balance
• X – they want to enjoy life to the full, while they are young enough to do so
• Y – their lives are busy – they need alot of ‘me’ time

9. Loyalty
• X – they are committed as everyone else working there
• Y – already working out their exit strategy

10. Meaning of Money
• X – it gives freedom and independence
• Y - just something that allows them to maintain their lifestyle

Rabu, 25 April 2012

Fakta Unik RF Online

Fakta-fakta unik seputar RF (Rising Force) Online.

1. Ketiga Bangsa, Accretia, Bellato, dan Cora, dapat disingkat menjadi alfabet yang berurutan. A, B, C.

2. Nama-nama Animus dari Bangsa Cora diambil dari dewa-dewi.

3. Nama Cora diambil dari nama alternate Persephone.

4. Konsep M.A.U. (Massive Armor Unit) Catapult mirip dengan A.P.U. dari film Matrix Revolution.

5. Masyarakat Cora dilarang menikah, yang merupakan peraturan DECEM. Mereka menikah hanya untuk menghasilkan anak dan setelah itu harus cerai.

6. Dalam FMV pertama RF Online, Lotan3rd, pahlawan Accretia, turun dari pesawat, jubahnya berlambang Cora. Saat dia akan menyerang Bee Hammer, pahlawan Bellato, jubahnya berlambang Bellato.

7. Accretia yang sekarang dimainkan dalam game, merupaka Accretia generasi ke 3. Accretia generasi pertama adalah Devastator, dan Accretia generasi kedua adalah Lotan3rd.

8. Masa hidup Bangsa Cora dan Bellato adalah 200 tahun, kecuali Accretia yang sampai 1000 tahun.

9. Game pertama yang menyajikan fitur peperangan antar player yang berbeda bangsa.

10. Accretia HQ atau markas Accretia merupakan sebuah Mothership luar angkasa yang mendarat di tengah gurun Crater dan bukanlah asal bangsa Accretia di planet Novus.

11. Game MMORPG pertama yang memiliki fitur rumah lelang.

12. Game yang paling diminati karena gameplay dan grafiknya.

13. Accretia adalah manusia. Di masa bumi hampir hancur karena virus dari planet asing, tepatnya kiriman dari bangsa Herodian, sejumlah manusia terutama ilmuwan pindah ke planet lain untuk ditinggali. Ada kelompok yang mencoba untuk bertahan hidup dari virus itu dengan merubah tubuh mereka menjadi robot, jadi tidak akan terinfeksi, bagian organiknya yang tersisa hanya otak dan mereka lah yang dinamakan bangsa Accretia.

14. Game pertama yang mengadopsi sistem demokrasi dan pemimpin Bangsa.

15. Ether berarti langit. Tidak heran jika nama lain Ether Platform yang ditutupi salju adalah Sky Land of Novus. Karena terletak jauh di atas langit Novus dan dihuni oleh Herodian...

Jumat, 30 Maret 2012


Singing from the same hymn sheet :
Peoples who express the same opinion in public
Ex : Most womans singing from the same hymn sheet if they found big discount.

Talk the talk, walk the walk :
You do what exactly what you said
Ex : If you're going to talk to talk, you've better done walk to walk.

The elephant in the room :
A situation where situation major is going on, it's on everyone's mind and impossible to ignore
Ex : because the demonstration didn't over yet, IHSG stock prince decreased. And the government just stay still and didn't do anything. Just like the elephant in the room.

All hands on deck :
Something that you say when everyone's help is needed, especially to do a lot of work in a short amount of time
Ex : All hands on deck, i must finish my works in 5 hours.

Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

The Hambatan

I found it really hard when I’m learning English, the tenses, grammar, and the other things. I prefer learning conversation which I learn it from songs and movies. Why conversation? Because if we meet foreigner or we became foreigner, we talk to them not write a letters. Even through we don’t understand the basics, but trust me they will understands what we said.

My First Experience Learning English

My first experience about learning English, I feel strange and why I must learn this? I had a lot difficulties in learning sundanesse, and then I must learn English? That’s cruel for little innocent kid like me. But learning English is fun, there is many pictures from text book, the thing that I don’t have on my sundanesse books. Learning English can make me looks cool from the other student, specially from the girls. Yeah, the girls.

The absurd thing about learning English in schools, elementary school, junior high school, and also senior high schools is. The moment when teacher came into the class and he/she ask the same question like all teachers I had before.
Teacher : Good morning student, how are you today?
Student : Good morning sir/mam. I’m fine, thank you. And you?
Teacher : I’m fine too, ok lets start the class today, blah blah blah
That’s, really embarrassing. It’s fine when i still on elementary school, but on senior high school? That’s makes me looks stupid!